Sunday, March 18, 2012

Stuff Ricky Makes

Ricky asked me if I had mentioned on my blog how clever he is.  I had to admit I had not, but reminded him this was only my second posting and I am still creating this blog even as I try to post fascinating tidbits about our life in Highland.  So this post is dedicated to Ricky.  The belief among Ricky's friends and family (and I'm quoting), "Ricky can do anything."  They tell the story about Ricky fixing a friend's car by blowing on it.  I don't know if Ricky can do anything, but he is very handy.  Ricky used to be a farrier (he shoed or, if you prefer, shod horses), and he still enjoys doing a bit of blacksmithing and welding.  Thus, our trip to East Texas a few weeks ago to pick up a load of used horseshoes.  He's been working, so I'm going to include a few photos of his recent creations.

This is the second of the horseshoe tables Ricky has made for the patio.  Our friend Karmann gave him a slab of marble for this one, and he was off and running.  Note the possum that wanted to get in the photo (in the background to left of table).  I told you we have possums that think they are cats.
View of table without the possum.  Ricky actually modified the table a little bit since this photo but you get the idea. 
Pictured below are examples of the forged plant hangers that Ricky makes with the horseshoes.  They are bent into unique shapes and are ready to hold our hanging planters.  In the background of  one of the photos is an example of one of Ricky's wind chimes (red cylinder), made from something he repurposed--I'm just not sure what it was.

I leave you with one last view of our patio in the summer--a patio Ricky built using old bricks that were left in this yard when we bought the house.  The fountain Ricky created from rocks from the old flower garden borders is featured against the trellis that he constructed.  Note the orange table top that Ricky made and affixed to some table legs that a friend dragged out of the trash and gave them to us.  An affinity for trash to treasures is definitely a characteristic of a true Highland resident, and all of these quirky items make our backyard quintessentially Highland and demonstrate that Ricky is either very clever or very quirky or perhaps both.


  1. So neat!!! Luv the horeshoe tables! Wow!

  2. Clever Ricky! Thanks again for the pot hanger, horseshoes, and tequila corks--all will be put to good use.

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  3. Ricky's "cleverness" is an inside joke, but true nonetheless.
