Friday, September 23, 2016

Exploding Eggs and Happy Toes

The day started off at a leisurely pace befitting one who is retired and who stayed up until 2:00 am.  I needed to do a major grocery store run, but I like to procrastinate tackling this inevitable chore.  I pride myself on stretching the time between trips.  What can I conjure up from our larder, becomes the question of the day.  This morning’s answer was tuna salad.  I’ll just boil a couple eggs, because I have a can of tuna, celery, pickle relish, mayonnaise.  It was going to be a very dull, but sufficient, lunch. 
I failed to take into account the power of social media. 
I put the eggs on to boil.  Ricky leaves to run errands, and I sit down at the kitchen table.  I notice a couple Facebook private messages that have popped up my phone.  I start to answer them but realize it would be much quicker to do on the computer.  The dog and I both retreat to the library, and soon I’m sucked down into that Facebook sinkhole. 
Sometime later Treble and I are startled to hear what sounds like a gunshot coming from the back of the house.  We check it out.  One egg has exploded sending bits of shell and egg white all over the stove top.  I grab the saucepan, put it in the sink under running water, turn off the range, turn on the vent fan (exploding egg is not a pleasant aroma) and start to clean up, helped by Treble who is delighted to find bits of egg all over the floor.  I dump the rest of the burnt eggs, wipe down the stove, spray Febreze throughout the downstairs, clean the saucepan, and think about an alternative lunch. 
Alternative lunch of leftover rice from green peppers and fig bread
All’s well that ends well.  I've learned a valuable lesson.  Never assume you'll remember you have something cooking on the stove.  Set a timer.  Maintain eye contact with aforementioned stove.
It's still a great Friday.  I have happy toes, a luxury at the end of summer.  My annual dilemma is, “Does a woman need pretty toenails with sandal season waning?”  My answer is always yes, so I don’t know why I continue to ask the question.
Treble poses with my happy toes!
Other positives: I still have another whole loaf of the fig bread I made—and it’s delicious if I do say so myself.
Loaf of homemade fig bread
I have two new bottles of Bella Nonnas olive oil, a luxury item that has become an essential in our pantry.
Olive Oil from Bella Nonnas
And our little family has a new game to play this weekend: “How far do pieces of an exploding egg travel?”  “Who can find the piece that went the farthest?”    The current winner is me.  I found an identifiable morsel on the kitchen table, nine feet away from the stove.  And we haven’t even started to examine the ceiling!


  1. LOL - I did this once years ago but I wasn't home to hear the explosion since I had returned to the office. I was house-sitting at the time and ill be forever grateful that I didn't set the house on fire.

    P.S. The decision re: toes - is the right one. ;-)

    1. I think I've learned my lesson, always set a timer either on the stove if I'm staying inside or on my phone. My husband always uses timer on his phone. My winter toe color may be bright red like Christmas!

  2. I can't leave the kitchen when cooking without a disaster and can totally sympathize with the exploding egg episode! Boy, that fig bread looks good. :)

    1. You would think I'd learn my lesson, Ricky just shakes his head when I tell him and takes the blackened saucepan to the shop to clean it up.

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  4. This is the story of my life. I hate to think how much burned stuff I have cooked in my life!!

    1. I burn bread quite often but I think this is the first time for exploding an egg.  This is why I'd be scared to own a pressure cooker.
