Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Views of the Cottage Patio

There are many spots in our house, and even in our outdoor spaces, where I can curl up with a good book.  My environment conspires against my productivity if productivity is measured by chores completed, tasks accomplished.  It is too easy to find oneself sitting down with a book, Kindle, magazine, newspaper--fill in the blank--and wile away more than a few minutes. 

I read while I ride the exercise bike early in the mornings, feeling quite virtuous about exercising, and experiencing no guilt about reading for pleasure before breakfast.  So far, so good.  However, when I exit my tiny exercise room, I am on the patio.  It is cool (relatively speaking, we are in Louisiana after all).  The fountains are merrily splashing, the wind chimes are tinkling softly, the Blue Jays are calling out noisily and the patio flowers are looking more lush and inviting as they become established.  The cats lounge around in companionable silence and various lethargic poses.

A table and a chair occupy center stage on the patio, inviting me to sit down with my coffee and continue reading until the sun hits the patio and the heat of the day begins in earnest.  Thus, the problem. . . . .

The fountain area of the patio is starting to look more lush.

The plants on the cottage patio make it attractive place to relax

Door to my workout/potting shed area

Shady bed beside the exercise room might as well grab a cup of coffee, too, and join us for a few decadent minutes....


  1. I don't comment often, but I love reading your blog!

    1. Thanks, I appreciate your taking time to leave a kind word!!

  2. Love Loco's choice of water bowl. :)
